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Our Mission

M-sea Ocean Exploration dedicated to exploring the unknown ocean, filling gaps in our basic understanding of the marine environment. This allows us, collectively to protect ocean health, sustainably manage our marine resources, and enhance appreciation of the importance of the ocean in our everyday lives.

We using the latest tools and technology, M-sea Ocean Exploration ,explores unknown or poorly known areas of our deep ocean, making discoveries of scientific, economic, and cultural value . We allow scientists, resource managers, students, members of the general public, and others to actively experience ocean exploration, allowing broader scientific participation, and cultivating the next generation of ocean explorers, and engaging the public in exploration activities. This allows us, collectively, to more effectively maintain ocean health, sustainably manage our marine resources, accelerate our national economy, and build a better appreciation of the value and importance of the ocean in our everyday lives.

Our vessel is able to carry out survey, exploration, sampling, on-site analysis works for various ocean environments such as offshore and ocean dynamic environment, geological environment, ecological environment and deep sea extreme environment.